Ethan Neo
Autism Association (Singapore)
Towering 1.9 meters, 21-year-old Ethan is easy-going, friendly and just loves to run. While he is often quite content to hide behind his computer, playing games on the iPad, running for Ethan is interestingly, a social activity. To him, running is about being active with others, and is able to cover distances from 5 to 11.5 km. Not great with heat, as is true for many autistic individuals, Ethan prefers to run in the early mornings when it is cooler.
What began as an encouragement from caregivers to get Ethan to be more active has become a more than a hobby, though the road to that discovery was challenging to say the least. It is the collective dream of Ethan’s family and friends, and his of course, to run longer and farther, and take on the SGX Bull Charge run.
Ethan is special. He is autistic.
He has a dream. He loves to run and hopes to compete.
What’s yours?